The Neiman Institute has diverse research interests in the pursuit of advancing radiology related health policy. Our research can concern the following topics.
Research Topics

Changes in both health care finance and the regulatory environment in which physicians operate create incentives that often have far reaching effects into the care delivery system. Projects in this area consider the effects of these changes on imaging utilization at both the system and provider level.

Health Policy
While the utility of diagnostic imaging is unquestioned, there is sparse evidence directly quantifying the value of imaging for either patient outcomes or efficiencies in care delivery. Projects under this area seek to examine the role of imaging in improving outcomes, reducing costs, and other important characteristics of the health care system.

Access & Quality
As payment for quality continues to supplant payment for service as the foundation for ensuring a sustainable care delivery system, it is vital to understand how these efforts affect overall quality of care, patient access, and their impact on the practice of radiology. These projects specifically examine the effects of this shift on patients and providers.

Alternative Health Care Models
As health care continues to evolve beyond traditional care delivery models and fee-for-service payment systems, there is a need to understand the roles of radiologists and their practices in these emerging models. These projects will evaluate the role of imaging in next generation care delivery systems with a focus on the performance and payment of radiology services in Medical Homes, Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) and other similar models of care.