The aim of this study was to assess the potential impact of ACR evidence-based advocacy on radiologist professional reimbursement from individual-provider CMS multiple-procedure payment reduction (MPPR) initiatives. Full Article
Sadigh, G., Hughes, D.R., Wang, W., Allen, B., McGinty, G., Silva, E., Duszak, R. 2017. "Radiologist Professional Payments After Mitigation of CMS’s Multiple-Procedure Payment Reduction Initiatives," Journal of the American College of Radiology
To assess subspecialty practice characteristics of the U.S. radiologist workforce. Despite an increased focus on radiology subspecialization, most U.S. radiologists are majority general radiologists on the basis of their work RVUs. Subspecialization is by far more prevalent in larger and academic practices. Full Article
Rosenkrantz, A.B., Wang, W., Hughes, D.R., Duszak, R. 2017. "Generalist versus Subspecialist Characteristics of the U.S. Radiologist Workforce," Radiology
Meaningfully measuring physician outcomes and resource utilization requires appropriate patient risk adjustment. We aimed to assess Medicare patient complexity by physician specialty and to further identify radiologist characteristics associated with higher patient complexity. Full Article
Rosenkrantz, A.B., Wang, W., Vijayasarathi, A., Duszak, R. 2017. "Physician Specialty and Radiologist Characteristics Associated with Higher Medicare Patient Complexity," Academic Radiology
The objective of the study was to assess temporal changes in the utilization of musculoskeletal extremity imaging in Medicare beneficiaries over a recent 20-year period (1994–2013). Full Article
Gyftopoulos, S., Harkey, P., Hemingway, J., Hughes, D.R., Rosenkrantz, A.B., Duszak, R. 2017. "Changing Musculoskeletal Extremity Imaging Utilization From 1994 Through 2013: A Medicare Beneficiary Perspective," American Journal of Roentgenology
The study identified factors associated with list price variation for radiologists’ services. Full Article
Rosenkrantz, A.B., Wang, W., Vijayasarathi, A., Duszak, R. 2017. "Factors Influencing List Prices for Radiologists’ Services," Journal of the American College of Radiology
The research examined trends in vertebral augmentation performed by radiologists and other specialties in the Medicare population. Full Article
Degnan, A.J., Hemingway, J., Hughes, D.R. 2017. "Medicare Utilization of Vertebral Augmentation 2001 to 2014: Effects of Randomized Clinical Trials and Guidelines on Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty," Journal of the American College of Radiology, 14(8): 1001 - 1006.
The study found that utilization of chronic venous insufficiency procedures in the Medicare population increased markedly from 2005 through 2014. Full Article
Prabhakar, A.M., Misono, A.S., Sheth, R.A., Rosenkrantz, A.B., Hemingway, J., Hughes, D.R., Duszak, R. 2017. "Changing Medicare Utilization of Minimally Invasive Procedures for the Treatment of Chronic Venous Insufficiency," Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 28(6): 818 - 824.
This study assessed trends in publications in radiology journals designated as dealing with patient-centered care. Full Article
Rosenkrantz, A.B., and Rawson, J.V. 2017. "Trends in Publications in Radiology Journals Designated as Relating to Patient-Centered Care," Journal of the American College of Radiology, 14(5): 703 - 709.
The purpose of this study was to understand the role of Advanced Practice Providers in urologic procedural care, and its change over time. Full Article
Langston, J.P., Duszak R., Orcutt, V.L., Schultz, H., Hornberger, B., Jenkins, L.C., Hemingway, J., Hughes, D.R., Pruthi, R.S., Nielsen, M.E. 2017. "The Expanding Role of Advanced Practice Providers in Urologic Procedural Care," Urology
This study examines changes in the utilization of procedures related to treatment of chronic venous insufficiency in the Medicare population. Full Article
Prabhakar, A.M., Misono, A.S., Sheth, R., Rosenkrantz, A.B., Hemingway, J., Hughes, D.R., Duszak, R.. 2017. "Changing Medicare Utilization of Minimally Invasive Procedures for the Treatment of Chronic Venous Insufficiency," Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology